Benefits of Joining
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Wolverine Rangers


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If you are joining or renewing your membership with the Wolverine Rangers,
you can use a paper application form and mail it along with your check
or you can use the online application form and pay by debit or credit card
through PayPal.  You DO NOT have to have a PayPal account to use this
method of joining or renewing.   Click on your choice of renewing below.
Mail - In / Pay by Check Online / Pay by Debit or Credit

Please take a moment and consider joining the Wolverine Rangers Cowboy Action Shooting Association.
If you do decide to join, you can pay either by check or by debit/credit card.

We are a group of cowboy action shooters who felt the need for continuity and organization
in the state of Michigan.  We currently have a membership of over 200 shooters from Michigan,
Ohio and Canada.  We are a non-profit organization and are in our nineteenth year of operation.
There are fifteen Cowboy Action Shooting clubs in the state that are affiliated with the
Wolverine Rangers.  Some of these clubs offer reduced shooting fees to Wolverine Rangers members.

In addition to continuing to work toward the improvement of Cowboy Action Shooting in the state,
we host a three-day SASS Wolverine Rangers Range War and Michigan State Championship
match each year over Labor Day weekend.

If you decide to join the Wolverine Rangers your membership will include:
• Badge
• Membership card
• Membership roster annually
• Newletter seven times per year and the opportunity to contribute newsworthy articles
• Place classified ads for CAS equipment in the Epitaph and on the Wolverine Rangers website
• Master calendar of CAS matches for the Wolverine Rangers affiliated clubs
• List of club locations with contact names, phone numbers and directions
• Free RO I class
• Discount on fees at most club matches (this alone will pay for the membership)
• Free membership shoot annually (see calendar for the date)
• Attendance at a general membership meeting where you can express
  your ideas or concerns

If you have any questions please contact our Member Services or call 616-874-3406.
We look forward to hearing from you.